Sunday, January 9, 2011

6 Months

6 Months Olds-----that is HALF a year old! And I must say this has definitely been my favorite stage so far (yes there are LOTs more left). She is just so interactive, always on the move, learning new things every day, and the happiest baby ever (well that is what they tell me). She is just beginning to reach for me and understand just who I am, it definitely melts my heart. She is scootin more and better every day. She also definitely tests a lot more limits and we are daily trying to make our home more "baby proof". She smiles nonstop and is laughing more and more. Although her dad is best at getting the biggest belly laughs from her and she has definitely developed some "tickle spots". I just can't get enough of this little girl!

Here are some milestones:
  • She is always moving--rolling, turning, scootin
  • She is getting really good at reaching and grabbing at everything we have in our hands and sometimes it is hard to keep it away
  • She is starting to eat baby food which is going okay....she is still trying to get the hang of it and doesn't really eat a ton which is fine with me.
  • She just got her first real sickness (which I think is pretty good for being well for 6 months) which was Croup followed by an ear infection, but really never acted sick.
  • She still wakes up at night and cries which is definitely wearing on me and I am wondering if this will last until her teenage years?.....
  • She is great at sitting by herself for a long time and playing with toys--we have finally begun to sit in the shopping cart which leaves LOTS more room for groceries!
  • She still chews on everything and drools a lot but still have not seen any teeth...
  • She is beginning to babble more and say more hard consonants and Matt swears she said "dada" the other day...:)

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