So I feel like every time I BLINK my child is another month old! I can't seem to quite keep up with all her changes! We are definitely having a lot of fun truly seeing her curious and fun personality. I do think she is more and more a "Daddy's girl" as she is always looking for him and seems to light up more when he is around--I guess I am only here to supply the food :) She has been starting to scoot this month--mostly backwards (she likes to do things in her OWN order I guess). So I think we may have a crawler before we know it! I did feel pretty proud as she did master sitting up alone this month and her day care worker said she had never seen a child so young sit up so well in all her years of doing day care! Here are some more accomplishments of our little girl:
- She is ALWAYS on the move--rolling everywhere, if we take our eyes off her for a few minutes, she is across the room and down the hall discovering something new.
- "No!"--I have actually caught myself using the word "No" with her for the first time as she once almost pulled a hot iron on top of her head from the cord as I was in the kitchen! I also have caught her about to put the computer cord in her mouth too. I guess this will now be a permanent word in my vocabulary!
- She is starting to BOUNCE a lot! Especially on her tummy she rocks and bounces when she is excited.
- She is FINALLY liking her rice cereal and bounces the whole time in her highchair as I try and aim for her mouth as she does this--sometimes not so successful!
- She is scooting backwards which makes changing her on her changing table quite hard as half the time her head is hanging off!
- She is really good at grasping toys and transferring them from one hand to the other with ease.
- She is really recognizing her name being called and will turn to you when you say it.
- She also loves to put her paci in her mouth and take it out, put it in, take it out.....over and over
- She continues to be "Miss Social" and smiles at everyone and as long as you give her any attention she will love you!
- She wants everything we have close to her or in our hands so we really have to be careful as her hand will be tugging at it
- She loves to just sit in her highchair and watch mommy cook
- She is still having sleeping problems at night but we have had a lot more night without any wake-ups lately