Thursday, August 5, 2010

1 Month Old

I can't believe we are past the 1 Month mark and you are growing like a weed! I feel like you are changing every day and I am lovin' being your mommy! Here are some things you are doing at 1 month:

- You are getting better at holding your head up and I love when you stretch it out as long as it goes!
-You love to just lay down on your back and check out the world around you
-You have begun to "coo" and talk to your mom and dad
-You love to STRETCH out your legs and arms as far as they go
-You make the funniest grunts when you sleep (helped making the transition from our room to yours much easier :)
-You are growing like a weed at 9 lbs 14 ounces at 1 month
-You love your paci and it seems to make everything better
-You are sleeping 4 to 4.5 hours at night (the 0.5 hr counts!)
-You love listening to music--maybe a singing career in the future?
-You have a million cute little faces--be it happy or crying--they all make me melt!
-You are starting to SMILE!
-You have the cutest little "mohawk" hairdo!

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