Thursday, September 30, 2010

Evie's Dedication

Sunday we dedicated Evie at our church. It was a very special day celebrated with both friends and family. My mom even was able to fly in from Indonesia to be with us. I think we have discovered that Evie is a little sqeemish when it comes to "being in the limelight" as just seconds before we walked into the sanctuary she decided to have quite a diaper explosion--down her legs onto the carpet! I held her at arms length as Matt ran to get paper towels and do a quick temporary clean up before we filed into the sanctuary. She obviously felt much better and I don't think anyone knew she was sitting on a wad of paper towels in her daddy's arms!

Evie all dressed up for the dedication

Evie with Grandma Hird

Family picture (Evie was pretty distracted and was quickly done with picture taking but I think her parents look good in this one :)

Evie with the Grandma's--and nap time was around the corner!

Ahhhh Sleep....

Lunch at Maguire's (notice Evie is now in dress #2)

Evie with Grandma Reynolds

Some posed pics we took outside later that afternoon--I must say Evie had her share of pics that day!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

We did it!

So this past week was a BIG week----mommy went back to work! I was actually getting a little antsy at home and was excited to begin the whole "working mom" thing. Evie also decided to make this transition a little easier for mommy by starting to sleep 9-10 hours at night! I was a little apprehensive how waking up extra early to feed her then trying to pull a 12+ hour shift at the hospital would work out?! Well she must have known a big change was about to happen and prepared for it all on her own! She even has been great at her in-home day care and at grandma's while mom and dad go to work. Mom didn't even shed one tear leaving her that first week! So I must say we more than survived and are adjusting very well!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cool Shades

Evie is ready for the Paparazzi!

2 month visit

(This post is a little old--but better late than never!)

We went to visit the doctor about 3 weeks ago to get the dreaded "2 month shots". I was actually more excited than nervous as I knew we could finally lift the steel curtain you feel you have to impose on a newborn who doesn't have their shots (and of course finally put her in the church nursery :). Evie did great although she was a little fussy the following day but I don't blame her.

Evie educating herself on all the vaccines she is about to get.

Evie showing off her "war wounds".

Evie survived and even got a lollipop!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Rocky Ride

So a couple weeks ago I decided (and finally accepted) that I was soon to return to work and probably needed to start a little exercising so I could endure the long 12 hour shifts at the hospital. So Evie and I went on a fast walk out in our neighborhood. This was the first time I had walked the sidewalks of our neighborhood with a stroller and soon found out that is was more of an "Off Road" experience. The sidewalk in places looked like it could've been on top a fault line as there were more bumps and obstacles to go through and around it was actually a lot of work. There were times I actually had to lift the stroller UP OVER the parts of the sidewalk that looked more like stairs than a smooth path. I had planned for Evie to catch a quick snooze while I was strolling her but she kept getting jolted and startled by all the bumps I don't think she got much rest. Maybe I need to start petitioning for smoother sidewalks as they are supposed to be "safer" than the street, right? So I might have to muster up some courage to hit the "sidewalk" again or maybe get some better shocks for my stroller....

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2 Months Old

Evie is 2 months old and changing every day! We just can't get enough of our little girl!
  • She is 11 and 1/2 pounds--still the 75 percentile!
  • She is holding her head up better each day
  • She loves to lay on her activity mat and grab at her toys
  • She is sleeping 6-7 hours at night (mommy loves this!)
  • She loves to "coo" and "talk"
  • She is getting more and more interactive and playful