So we were so excited that Kendra and Macie were in town all the way from Wisconsin and we were able to spend some extra special time with just them on a Sunday afternoon. The girls took a long nap also so Kendra and I could catch up (and we fit in watching "The Bachelor"--of course!). We went to the park after they woke up and had lots of fun. Luckily the Texas sun decided to appear and it was quite a change from the ice and snow we saw just days before!
Macie loving the swings at the park
Evie begging her dad to slide her down the slide!
Matt doing a "lesson" on numbers with Macie
Macie and Evie on the slide
Here we come!
Daddy and Evie "monkeying around"

"Look dad! no hands!" (Evie learned a new trick--apparently we have a future gymnast on our hands!)
Evie loving the slide
All the girls
Evie swinging and all smiles!
We went to Chick-fil-A with Kendra, Macie and Joanna, Pierce, and Stella to say goodbye
Macie eating her ice cream
The kids (minus Stella)
We had so much fun with you Kendra and Macie and miss you guys so much! Thanks for coming to visit!
I read the title for this post on someone's side bar scroll thing and thought, "oh my gosh. that's us. we're from up north." deep breath. whew. ugh. certainly feels like it this week. Anyway...we miss you guys already! LOVED spending our Sunday with you. Just all went too quickly. Love ya!